Anyway, in the shower I’ve realized things again; ever wondered why this blog is flagged “coffes and cream”? Well it’s a metaphor ( obviously and as always ) that represents the frantic urban living I have and the subtle, laidback life I once had that every once in a while I wanna bring about, both of which is represented respectively.
As a student, coffee by nature is of great help to stimulate a sleepy head to prepare for an exam. It’s a perfect breakfast, too, together with a toast or a loaf, I really can have a breakFAST. Coffee is always with me as I live a busy life, a life that I am happy having and owning. Only that every once in while, this whole fast paced metro living gets into me, that I do fly away to escape the traffic, the noise, the pollution, the mess of what urban living has become; to have “cream”. I’m lactose intolerant, that’s not possible but I mean; to have even a stolen taste of a life which is laid, relaxed, too cozy; like summer night below the stars laying on the rooftop ( oh I miss doing that! )

I may be strolling at a class A city but I can’t buy “creams” here all the time; it’s priced as in PRICED here. I always have coffee, coffees at that; for I need to keep up. I’m happy waking up late, coz I slept late; having brunches rather than breakfast, I enjoy a lot of thing here, but things always happen fast. Demands, pressures, expectations, deadlines, commitments… oh I feel too entwined with things I love doing at first but in the long run they suck! Whew, I wanna escape, I recall spending a day doing barely nothing at home when I was a kid. I wanna have a day like that again, no deadlines, no pressure, no commitments, no expectations just TV and soda and popcorn and a lazy sofa. A bum ( perfect ) even for a day!
I guess, with my current responsibilities, I just am getting too fed up…

Thus, lemme end this blog now and em gonna grab my blanket and pillow and doze to farmlands, beaches, and county homes, and kids and games and laughter and sofa with soda with TV and I gonna dream of that starry summer nights at the roof top.
Only to wake up again tomorrow, to my reality…
and start again with coffee, coffees at that.
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