It’s not that late at night, but with my midterm exams scheduled tomorrow, this is late; but I can’t help but write this stuff…
I had a usual day, January 20 2009 seemed to be another ordinary school day. Turns out it’s not. After taking the first part of my examinations in my ever boring Accounting class, I and a friend went out for lunch, it was 10:30 in the morn; a usual regime. We ate at the usual cafeteria, and went back to Ateneo, another usual thing.
Since my friend’s class is still an hour afar and I; don’t have any anymore, I asked her to go with me to the Library. I was to return a borrowed book, she, to study for another exam. And so we did, we went to the library; a very usual time killer. We went to the third floor; I love the ambience there more than the two other levels of our library. Gelah, busied herself reading her notes, reviewing and I, got bored… another usual thing.
Then, finally I decided to find a book, a magazine or whatever to consume my time. I went to the nearest shelf, and there went shelf shopping. With no book in mind, I simply browsed through the books. I was able to lay my sight on a book which cover attracted me. I took it, and then went back to my browsing. In the midst of the boring pile of books I was able to lay my hand on another book entitled “All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” I know I have heard the title mentioned by someone I can’t remember. One thing was clear; it’s a good book… good enough to kill my time.
And so, I sat on the Sofa facing the stairs leading down to the next floor and started eating the book. It’s indeed a good book that after a few page I was already laughing at the author’s wit in writing. His context was the world has become too complex but there are basic thoughts that can well define man’s existence in its face. It’s quite funny, but one thing’s sure, it’s substantial.
But the book is not my main story, I was reading this part that discuses about how life is way too wonderful that if we apply the basic learnings taught to us when we’re still kids, it won’t be that easy to see; when this girl passed by me. She was pretty, she was composed and poised. Before taking her first step down the stairs, she paused. All I thought was that there was something that she has to pick up, but I was wrong; she paused because she has to. She has to, because she was disabled, her legs are quite disproportional ( one is longer than the other ) She descended majestically though. It was too humbling, too genuine act courage and a really hard punch on my face that says “hey I can do more good things than you can”. Imagine a crippled teen amongst a hundred of students, with all effort descending from the third floor of the library, poised and a perfect picture of a good but happy student?
I just can’t help but admire her. Earlier that day, I was thinking of many stuff and that gave me that “UH! Hate this Life” syndrome. I felt like I was facing so much, that I want to run home and laze around. And then, there’s this girl, faced with the situation so simple, to me, but of great deal to her, a crippled going down the stairs, alone! She was just really awesome, her projection was never of that of a sad teen but rather of someone so confident and seemingly so disposed to face life.
I envy her for her courage. I envy her for her disposition. The stairs was a resemblance of life’s many adventures; but I believe she came prepared. I just envy her for having much faith and trust in herself.
It has always been my struggle, to push myself to do things I should do. I can, but I don’t and there she is, she can’t but she does. And indeed, it has been no ordinary day. I was taught with something I should have learned in kindergarten. Lesson learned! (“,)
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