I’ve been reading Fulghum’s “All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”; as a response here’s my recent realizations…
Landry Lessons.
College life entails a lot of independence; that means work.
It includes learning to do basic chores like doing the laundry, pressing and many more.
All of which, we usually do with less attention…
But come to think of it; there are lessons even in these humble chores.
As the washers hum; there are stuffs that I have realized and for the first time learned.
Read on…
• The washing machine has a special dirt catcher. It’s function? Catch every crap and dirt the cloths may bring into its system. I was just wondering, will there be someone ready to catch all my crap every time I mess up? Will there be?
• The washer spins as timed, choices are 3,6,9,15 minutes, a countdown ‘till the spinning stops. I was just wondering, sooner my life’s spinning will stop; am I spending it worth the while.
• The washer can do two jobs at a time, wash and spin dry. I was just wondering if the machine can only do two jobs, how come people do more? Which of which feels exhaustion?
• In doing the laundry, the whites go with the whites and the colored cloths with the colored. I was just wondering why does this also apply to social classes; are we as lowly as clothes? I don’t think so.
• In a few minutes all my dirty clothes come out of the washer clean and fresh. I was just wondering; can there be a washer where I can plunge in and come out fresh and clean again.
• The washer has this “delicate, normal, and strong” wash options. I was just wondering; in dealing with people, do I identify who’s delicate and who’s strong? Or am I always harsh?
• The washer and the dyer both have individual control buttons. I was just wondering; do I have the control over all my life’s aspects?
• The water supply tubes has two options, one leading to the washer, the other to the spin dryer; I was just wondering, will anybody choose to take a path leading to me? Makes me wonder, why am I still waiting.
• The cloths inside simply spin round and round and round. I was just wondering, if life also turns around, why am I always left alone. When will my life turn, when will my heart beat?
• I’ve just noticed; washing machines always have a washer and a spin dryer. I was just wondering, if am a washer, where could have been my spin dryer?
It’s amazing how we could find unusual realizations over usual things and stuffs.
Join my journey of discovering the uncommon in the commons, and let’s enjoy the simplicity of life.
After all, it’s not that hard to sometimes pause and reflect on small things rather than the complexities of life.
Going back, I did enjoy reflecting on my humble laundry.
Care to know what’s my most significant learning?
Well, simple lang…
Buti na lang my washing machine na, hirap kaya maglaba…
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