Could have been…
…more than this
I have cared for one person so much but never took courage to tell her and now it hurts knowing she’s found someone.
Life at times could be very unfair; there are lovers that never made it into a relationship simply because no one knows how to start the flare. There could have been burning stories of love and romance but the stories were never given the chance to be born. The spark was there but no one knows how to start the fire, thus the spark for the last moment flared and eternally remained a spark. The love story was suppressed till the bodies turned to ash…
I wish you won’t add up to the pile of these ashes; if you feel towards someone; then shout unto the world. The language of love knows no color, no race, no status; no gender… love is simply love.
Just a year ago I came into possession of two letters posted in the internet about two lovers that never realized that there was a flame between them. Read below and join me in my grief for another love felt, suppressed, and left dying. Sparks left to die…

Sofia’s Letter:
Hey there, I just saw you this morning. You were passing by the cafeteria. You were wearing your black, Donald duck t-shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans. You were walking with your friends, chatting happily, with that dazzling smile affixed on your face .You flipped your hair slowly with your left hand, and as you passed by, a couple of girls followed you with their eyes. Our eyes met for a second, and I didn’t know what to do. I completely froze on my seat. You suddenly smiled, making me see the braces on your teeth. I smiled back timidly. You then walked past me, not giving me a second look. When I turned around you were already gone. Four months and nothing has changed. You’re still the cool varsity player who is also an officer of the most distinguished organizations in the campus. And I’m still that ordinary girl who sits behind you every MWF in our one hour class together. I think you only talked to me twice. Once was when you asked me if someone is seated beside me on the first day of classes, and I said yes. The last was when you asked me if I was done with our term paper. I never got the courage to talk to you first. You were so cool and popular, and I always feel like a nobody when you are around. I guess we could never be friends. And I guess I better stop dreaming about you. It wouldn’t do me any good anyway.

Keeno’s Letter:
Hey there, I just saw you this morning. You were in the cafeteria when I passed by. You were wearing blue round-necked blouse and a pair of white Capri pants. You were with your usual companions; eating your usual order of Fritada .You carefully flipped the pages of your Psychology book as you sipped from your glass of iced tea. The guys around kept giving you quick glances but you never noticed. Our eyes met for a second, and I didn’t know what to do. I thought I’d freeze on the spot. I smiled, hoping that you would not notice that I am shaking. You smiled slightly, then turned to your book. As I passed you by, I turned around to give you a second look. But you weren’t looking. Four months and nothing has changed. You’re still the brilliant Dean’s Lister who is always a representative for school forums and conferences. And I’m still that ordinary guy in front of you every MWF in our one hour class together. I think you only talked to me twice. Once was when I asked you if someone was seated beside you on the first day of classes, and you said yes. I was hoping to sit beside you, since I’ve been eyeing you since our freshman year. The last was when I asked if you were done with our term paper. I was going to ask if you could help me with mine, and eat somewhere at the same time. But when you nodded, I completely lost my nerve. I never got the courage to talk to you again. You were so smart and popular, and I always feel like a nobody when you are around. I guess we could never be friends. And I guess I better stop dreaming about you. It wouldn’t do me any good anyway.
Most of the time; the one for us is just around the block. Open your eyes, sometimes love is just around the corner; waiting.
Don’t be like me, I left the spark burning, left it to die. Until one day; the spark turned into ashes; the very same day I realized I‘ve realized we could have been…
…more than this.
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