A word, that without the connotations actually means an artist; a walking work of art, a woman and a lady, wrapped in one.
Last night I watched ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’; and it was indeed a movie worthy of its given praises. I love the intricacy of both the movie and the portrayed. The image of a geisha and the life she lives; is not just a walking work of art, but a walking teacher of life. The idea of perfection, composure, details, decorum, aesthetics, ethics, sex, chastity, freedom, will, self; and this list will line up too long if I name all the lessons that a geisha brings with her kimono.

I have never admired geishas behind their make up and kimono before. I never realized that their stories are but stories of life beyond sex and beauty. I particularly am bedazzled by two points from the movie.
First, the rhetorics about self worth; after watching the movie, it made me think and rethink my worth. It made me clarify whether I am conforming or am I really living. A geisha is a work of art, a walking work of art; living and yet conforming. It made me think, and rethink.
The second point is detail, details at that.

A geisha is intricacy, a fuss and a glam all rolled into one beautiful piece of commodity. A geisha is a scent less blue rose that blooms amongst red fragrant roses. She, though, is perfection.
Watching a life portrayed in a moving picture is an exaggeration; but to portray a geisha is to portray ten of thousands of a thousand emotions, millions of secrets about sex and the society, about femme and the dogs, about beauty and fairness; portraying a geisha is portraying a lady that no any actress can do. My point is the portrayal, although very intricate is not at all the summation of a geisha. Details, details, details.

I swear to my self I would not just own another iPod or simply maintain the scholarship I almost lost; this time I promise that the only thing that would guide me through regaining the glory I once had is magis+
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