careLess wHispER.
Point Ai! Point!
While doing the dishes, moments ago; I was amazed how the public had placed so much mockery and inappropriate attention to the Katrina-Hayden scandal; then the radio I was tuned into played the ever controversial “Careless Whisper”. What a pathetic joke life could sometimes be.
Earlier this morning I was lazing around with the TV on, Ruffa and Ai was on air and the opening was quite cute, that’s why I stayed at the channel for a while. I was not expecting it, but Ai gave a point so valid today, that even I was stunned. There’s a portion in the show when the hosts, guest and even the audiences have to “shout” a certain “thought” for the day.
Guess what Ai’s was…
She shouted that the “Power of sadness and frustration is getting into me”. The reason; she is too annoyed of the on going overly due media exposure of the scandal and the seemingly inappropriate attention the medical board, the congress (of all sectors!) and the society as a whole is giving the aforementioned! Point, Ai, point! She’s good!
Indeed, it did not register to me until the damned song aired.
I have been openly uttering by regrets of how Bong Revilla is making a “grand stand” over the controversy and I have been too vocal of my dismay, when, even the congress agreed to waste precious time on the “hearing” of the case. Well take this from a Legal Management student; the ongoing hearing will not really put justice to the mishap, the thing is, whenever a hearing is done by the congress, its aim is to gather facts alone, to aid in the creation of laws but justice will surely not apply since the authority is vested not in this house, not in congress, for Christ sake! What is happening is that the fame the scandal had gathered; becomes too attractive to people with certain interests that obviously are obvious. I just hope Katrina realizes this, that in truth and in fact, she’s putting her self in great mockery under the disguised motives of certain individuals.
Ai did make a great point; in truth, there are a lot of controversies that should really be given the right attention but is not being. To mention a few, how much to you know about the Villar controversy ( this is worth millions of taxpayers’ funds, for Christ sake, but is seemingly overclouded by the lust worth of Katrina and Hayden)? Are you also aware of the on going concerns that the Commission on Elections have over the 2010 election especially over the machines and parallel laws?
Quite a pity for the Filipino people… (sigh)
The thing is, personally, the controversy sucks already; I believe as Ai does. We must move on and let the proper authority handle this scandal. Isn’t it more worth it if we focus on more important things? Say, the concerns now about the opening of classes in public schools. Aren’t you surprised of hearing same news about schools every time classes resume? Duh! the thing is that because it was not at all solved the previous year, because the right authority trusted the power to alleviate this problems is busy making a ‘grand stand’ over a pathetic case of lust and sex and infidelity. ( ay ano na tayo! )
I have great hopes for the Filipino people, we all do, right?
So maybe let’s start. No matter how minute as long as the initiative is there; it’s a start.
I personally am guilty of over attending to the controversy, but at least Miss Ai’s points made me realize some things.
Speaking of starting, may I take this venue to promote Ako Mismo; and the program Ateneo de Naga through the Institute of Politics in cooperation with my new found organization, Remontados is launching in line with the upcoming elections entitled TASK FORCE 2010.
Maybe its time that we take charge guys, I myself, am young and still learning as you are; but that should not hinder us to know the difference between an educated shouts from careless whispers…
Careless whispers. Ironic, pathetic in nature and are but mockeries of life.
Let’s not to it guys…
I like the sound of educated shouts. Iconic, sympathetic in nature and are but appreciation of life.
‘di ba? mas nagandang pakinggang.